Jan Monschke
made with reveal.js <3
A problem-solving technique that works like natural evolution. Literally!
Biologist B-Bingo:
It fits great for a GA-example because it's a NP-hard problem!
A salesman has to find the shortest way that connects a set of cities. The salesman is only allowed to visit each city once. It doesn't matter where the salesman starts. In the end, the salesman has to return to the starting point again.
repeatFrom(2) unless solution.isGood()
class Population
genomes: []
constructor: (@populationSize, @maxGenerationCount) ->
@genomes.push new Genome() for i in [0...@populationSize]
class Genome
values: []
constructor: (@values = @initial()) ->
initial: ->
# cities represented as numbers from 0-14
# [0,3,4] means the route 0 -> 3 -> 4 -> 0
return [RANDOMARRAY FROM [0-14]]
var Genome, Population;
Population = (function() {
Population.prototype.genomes = [];
Genome = (function() {
Genome.prototype.values = [];
function Genome(values) {
this.values = values != null ? values : this.initial();
Genome.prototype.inital = function(){
return [RANDOMARRAY FROM [0-14]]
class Genome
cost: ->
cost = 0
for city, index in @values
# A,B,C: A->B
if index+1 < @values.length
cost += distances[city][@values[index+1]]
# A,B,C: C->A
cost += distances[city][@values[0]]
class Population
rank: ->
@genomes = _.sortBy @genomes, (genome) -> genome.cost()
Genome.prototype.cost = function() {
var city, cost, index, _i, _len, _ref;
cost = 0;
_ref = this.values;
for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
city = _ref[index];
if (index + 1 < this.values.length) {
cost += distances[city][this.values[index + 1]];
} else {
cost += distances[city][this.values[0]];
return cost;
Population.prototype.rank = function() {
return this.genomes = _.sortBy(this.genomes, function(genome) {
return genome.cost();
The method of selectioning depends heavily on the problem. Find it out by trial & error.
Why don't we just select the best solutions?
It is important to keep variety in the population or otherwise we may not find the optimal solution. (aka a local maximum)
class Population
tournamentSelect: ->
participants = []
# select random participants
for index in [0..@tournamentParticipants]
randomIndex = Math.floor @genomes.length * Math.random()
participants.push @genomes[randomIndex]
# rank participants
participants = _.sortBy participants, (genome)->genome.cost()
Population.prototype.tournamentSelect = function() {
var index, participants, randomIndex, _i, _ref;
participants = [];
for (index = _i = 0, _ref = this.tournamentParticipants; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; index = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(this.genomes.length * Math.random());
participants = _.sortBy(participants, function(genome) {
return genome.cost();
return participants[0];
Not so sexy at all
Needed to keep variety (we talked about it ;))
It turns this into...
...by doing this:
Class Genome
mutate: ->
indexA = @getRandomIndex @values
indexB = @getRandomIndex @values
buff = @values[indexA]
@values[indexA] = @values[indexB]
@values[indexB] = buff
Genome.prototype.mutate = function() {
var buff, indexA, indexB;
indexA = this.getRandomIndex(this.values);
indexB = this.getRandomIndex(this.values);
buff = this.values[indexA];
this.values[indexA] = this.values[indexB];
return this.values[indexB] = buff;
The x best Genomes are directly transferred to the next generation.
for index in [[email protected]] by 2
# Perform a tournament selection
a = @tournamentSelect()
b = @tournamentSelect()
# perform a crossover
children = a.crossover b, @mixingRatio
a = children[0]
b = children[1]
# mutate the genomes
a.mutate() if Math.random() < @mutationChance
b.mutate() if Math.random() < @mutationChance
# add the new genomes to the next generation
nextGeneration.push a
nextGeneration.push b
for (index = _i = 0, _ref = this.genomes.length - skip; _i < _ref; index = _i += 2) {
a = this.tournamentSelect();
b = this.tournamentSelect();
children = a.crossover(b, this.mixingRatio);
a = children[0];
b = children[1];
if (Math.random() < this.mutationChance) {
if (Math.random() < this.mutationChance) {
Again, this highly depends on the problem