
This is a simple app that demonstrates how to use the Backbone.js couch-connector. It is sort of a real time chat with private messages support.


Fill this with your database information. ddocName is the name of your couchapp project.

  Backbone.couch_connector.config.db_name = "backbone_connect";
  Backbone.couch_connector.config.ddoc_name = "backbone_example";

If set to true, the connector will listen to the changes feed and will provide your models with real time remote updates. Backbone.couchConnector.enableChanges = true;


Enables Mustache.js-like templating.

  _.templateSettings = {
    interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
  var UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults : {
      name : "Anonymus"
  window.CurrentUser = new UserModel();

The model for a message is kinda simple. We only need a name, a text and a date.

  var MessageModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    initialize : function(){
        this.set({"date": new Date().getTime()});

Now let's define a new Collection of Messages

  var MessagesList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    db : {
      view : "messages",
      changes : true,
      filter : Backbone.couch_connector.config.ddoc_name + "/messages"

The couchdb-connector is capable of mapping the url scheme proposed by the authors of Backbone to documents in your database, so that you don't have to change existing apps when you switch the sync-strategy

    url : "/messages",
    model : MessageModel,

The messages should be ordered by date

    comparator : function(comment){
      return comment.get("date");
  var Messages = new MessagesList();
  var PrivateMessage = MessageModel.extend({

Private messages get an own collection because they need a filter

  var PrivateMessageList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    db : {
      view : "none__",
      changes : false,

The filter avoids that private messages appear in the public stream. If you don't know what filters are in CouchDB, then read it up here: Look up how the filter works in chat_example/filters/private_messages.js.

      filter : Backbone.couch_connector.config.ddoc_name + "/private_messages"
    url : "/private_messages",
    model : PrivateMessage
  var PrivateMessages = new PrivateMessageList();

Displays the current user's name and the message input field.

  var InputView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el : $('#input'),
    regex : /@(\w+)/,
    events : {
      "click #send" : "onSubmit",
      "keypress #message" : "keypress"
    initialize : function(){
      _.bindAll(this, "onSubmit", "nameChanged", "keypress");
      CurrentUser.bind("change:name", this.nameChanged);
    onSubmit : function(){
      var message = $("#message").val();

Sanitize messages a bit before we send them to the server.

      message = message.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
      if(message.length > 0){
        var executed = this.regex.exec(message);

Do a regex check to see if it is a private message

        if(executed != null)
            "from" : CurrentUser.get("name"),
            "to" : executed[1],
            "message" : message.replace(executed[0], "")
            "from" : CurrentUser.get("name"),
            "message" : message
    nameChanged : function(){
    keypress : function(ev){

Send message on ENTER

      if(ev.keyCode == 13)
    fillAndFocus : function(text){

Represents a message entry

  var EntryView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName : "li",
    template : _.template($("#entry-template").html()),

If there's a change in our model, rerender it

    initialize : function(){
      _.bindAll(this, 'render');
      this.model.bind('change', this.render);
    render : function(){ 
      var content = this.model.toJSON();
      return this;

A private message

  var PrivateEntryView = EntryView.extend({
    className : "private",
    template : _.template($("#private-entry-template").html())

The view for the chat messages

  var MessagesList = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("#messages"),
    initialize : function(){
      _.bindAll(this, 'reseted', 'addRow', 'addPrivateRow');
      Messages.bind("reset", this.reseted);
      Messages.bind("add", this.addRow);
      PrivateMessages.bind("add", this.addPrivateRow);

Adds an entry row

    addRow : function(comment){
      var view = new EntryView({model: comment});
      var rendered = view.render().el;
    addPrivateRow : function(private_message){
      var view = new PrivateEntryView({model: private_message});
      var rendered = view.render().el;

Renders all comments into the table

    reseted : function(){

reset the table

      if(Messages.length > 0){

add each element


  var UserSession = Backbone.Model.extend({

  var UserListCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    db : {
      changes : true
    url : "/user_list",
    model : UserSession

  var UserList = new UserListCollection();

  var UserListEntry = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName : "li",
    className : "user",
    initialize : function(){
      _.bindAll(this, 'remove_me');

When the session gets destroyed, the row will be destroyed too

      this.model.bind("remove", this.remove_me)
    render : function(){
      this.el = $(this.el);

Insert "@username" into the input field

      var temp = "@" + this.model.get("name") + " ";{
      return this.el;
    remove_me : function(){
      that = this;

The list where all usernames are displayed

  var UserListView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el : $('#userlist'),
    initialize : function(){
      _.bindAll(this, 'reseted', 'addRow');

The view listens to the realtime updates of the couchdb changes feed

      UserList.bind("add", this.addRow);
      UserList.bind("reset", this.reseted);
    addRow : function(model){
      this.el.append(new UserListEntry({model:model}).render());
    reseted : function(){

  var UserList = new UserListCollection();

The App router initializes the app by calling UserList.fetch()

  var App = Backbone.Router.extend({
    initialize : function(){

The current session will be stored in here

  var CurrentSession = null;

  var Input = new InputView();

Booststrap app after delay to avoid continuous activity spinner


Destroy the current session on unload

        async : false
      if(CurrentSession != null)

Includes the couchlogin check it out here:

      loggedIn : function(user){

Only add a User if it's not already in the list

        if(!UserList.detect(function(user){return user.get("name") == CurrentUser.get("name");})){
          CurrentSession = UserList.create({
            "name" : CurrentUser.get("name"),
            "logged_in_at" : new Date().getTime()
      loggedOut : function(){
        CurrentUser.set(new UserModel().toJSON());
        if(CurrentSession != null)


    new MessagesList();
    new UserListView();
    new App();
  }, 100);